LCM Module:LCM under Linux

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== LCM Module Spec ==
== LCM Module Spec ==
LCM Module spec and command list :
LCM Module spec and command list :
<Google Drive> [ LCM-Spec]
<Google Drive> [ LCM-Spec]
<FTP> [ LCM-Spec]
<FTP> [ LCM-Spec]

Revision as of 15:26, 10 February 2025


LCM Module Spec

LCM Module spec and command list :

<FTP> LCM-Spec

The Sample code source you can download from

Source file:

<Google Drive> LCMctl_v2.2L_Src

<FTP> LCMctl_v2.2L_Src

About source code.

1.We suggest using Code::Blocks as an IDE in Linux.

2.Or you can just use "make" to compile the source code in the LCMctlv22LSrc/ folder or LCMctlv22LSrc/src/ folder.
  And you can excute "lcmctlv22l" file in the LCMctlv22LSrc/src/ folder
 $cd LCMctlv22LSrc/src/

Binary file:

<Google Drive> LCMctl_v2.2L_Bin

<FTP> LCMctl_v2.2L_Bin

How to Switch functions

Our LCM module can support TTL and RS232 type,Please make sure your serial port support type,
And switch LCM JUMP as below picture!!


TTL Function:

How to use the DEMO application


  1. COM Port selection
  2. Confirm COM Port select
  3. Upline message enter
  4. Upline message send
  5. Clear upline
  6. Lowline message enter
  7. Lowline message send
  8. Clear lowline

Sample code Introduction

Open COM Port Device(COM1~COM4)

portinfo_t portinfo1 ={'0' , 9600 , '8',  '0' , '0' , '0' , '0' , '0' ,  '1' , 0 };
portinfo_t portinfo2 ={'0' , 9600 , '8',  '0' , '0' , '0' , '1' , '0' ,  '1' , 0 };
portinfo_t portinfo3 ={'0' , 9600 , '8',  '0' , '0' , '0' , '2' , '0' ,  '1' , 0 };
portinfo_t portinfo4 ={'0' , 9600 , '8',  '0' , '0' , '0' , '3' , '0' ,  '1' , 0 };
//Default tty:COM2

Send the UP line message to LCM Device

   char upline[C32]={0x1b,0x51,0x41}; //for LCM UP line command
   text = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry));
   sprintf(upline+3,"%s\r", text);
   PortSend(fdcom, upline, C32); //Send the message to LCM

Clear the UP line message of LCM Device

   char upline[C32]={0x1b,0x51,0x41}; //for LCM UP line command
   const char *clear = "";
   sprintf(upline+3 , "%s\r" , clear);
   PortSend(fdcom, upline, C32);

Send the LOW line message to LCM Device

   char lowline[C32]={0x1b,0x51,0x42}; //for LCM LOW line command
   text = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry));
   PortSend(fdcom, lowline, C32); //Send the message to LOW Line

Clear the LOW line message of LCM Device

   char lowline[C32]={0x1b,0x51,0x42}; //for LCM LOW line command
   const char *clear = "";
   sprintf(lowline+3 , "%s\r" , clear);
   PortSend(fdcom, lowline, C32);

LCM Command list

Please check the page6 in spec file ,you can download form LCM-Spec

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