IO Device:F75113 C Sharp under Windows

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The Sample code source you can download from

<Google Drive>

Source file: 75113_CS_v1.2_Src

Binary file(32 bit): 75113_CS_v1.2_Bin_x86

Binary file(64 bit): 75113_CS_v1.2_Bin_x64

Test Code: 75113_CS_Test

F75113 DLL file : F75113_DLL

F75113 DLL src : F75113__DLL_src


Source file: 75113_CS_v1.2_Src

Binary file(32 bit): 75113_CS_v1.2_Bin_x86

Binary file(64 bit): 75113_CS_v1.2_Bin_x64

Test Code: 75113_CS_Test

F75113 DLL file: F75113_DLL

F75113 DLL src: F75113_DLL_src

How to use this Demo Application


1. Run DIO_WDT.exe as administrator

2. Connected the DI and DO pin

3. Before you press the "Write" button, Check the box what you like to send high data first

4. Press the "Read" button to get data from DO

5. Press the "Enable" button to test WDT function

6. Press the "Disable" button when WDT enable to disable WDT

F75113 Layout Picture



Base on 75113.Dll API as below list

F75113_DLL_API bool F75113_Init();
F75113_DLL_API BYTE F75113_GetDigital_Low_Input();
F75113_DLL_API void F75113_SetDigital_Low_Output(BYTE byteValue);
F75113_DLL_API BYTE F75113_GetDigital_High_Input();
F75113_DLL_API void F75113_SetDigital_High_Output(BYTE byteValue);

F75113_DLL_API void F75113_SetWDT_Enable(BYTE byteTimer);
F75113_DLL_API void F75113_SetWDT_Disable();

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