GPIO Develop Utility under Windows
From LEXWiKi
Contents |
GPIO Develop Utility can help you to develop tool to control GPIO device.
The binary file you can download from
DLL file(64 bit): GPIOUtilityDll_v1.7.20.29
Sample binary file(64 bit): GPIO_DLL_SAMPLE_Src_v1.0.3.5
Sample source code: GPIO_DLL_SAMPLE_Bin_v1.0.3.5
DLL files descreption
GPIOUtilityDll.dll: Contains code and data about GPIODLL function.
GPIOUtilityDll.h: Header about GPIODLL function.
GPIOUtilityDll.lib: Import library that link to GPIOUtilityDll.dll.
LexIo64.dll、LexIo64.sys: Based on WinIO that provids DLL to read hardware data. For x64.
Support GPIO module
F75111(Onboard)、F75111 EXT(CIO series)、F75113 SMBUS、F75113 LPC、F81966 LPC.
How to use DLL
*Step1. Unzip DLL zip file and put files to your programe.
*Step2. Initialize GPIO module resource.
MODULE_GPIO_LIST_E defined in GPIOUtilityDll.h
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Name : GPIODLL_InstallControlModule // Description : Initial DLL supported GPIO device module. // Arguments : // nModule [in] : GPIO device module. Enum of MODULE_GPIO_LIST_E. // Return : Enum of GPIO_ERR_CODE_E. Defined in "ModuleBase.h". // GPIO_ERR_OK = 1, // GPIO_ERR_UNKNOW_FAILED = 0, // GPIO_ERR_SMBUS_FAILED = -1, // GPIO_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_EXIST = -2, // GPIO_ERR_WRITE_DATA_FAILED = -3, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GPIOUTILITYDLL_API int GPIODLL_InstallControlModule(int nModule);
*Step3. If you want control GPIO pin, setup DI pin and DO pin in CIO port.
GPIO_CIO_PORT_E defined in GPIOUtilityDll.h
Setup DI pin and DO pin. Use 1 byte to indicate the status of the Pins.
Digital output pin bit is 1; Digital input pin bit is 0.
(DI-0 is bit0, DI-1 is bit1, DI-2 is bit2 and DI-3 is bit3).
(DO-0 is bit4, DO-1 is bit5, DO-3 is bit6 and DO-3 is bit7).
Ex: Setup CIO is 4I/4O. bDIOBits = 0xF0 (1111 0000) => (OOOO IIII).
Ex: Setup CIO is 2I/2O. bDIOBits = 0x30 (0011 0000) => (OOII IIII).
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name : GPIODLL_AddControlModuleToWatchList // Description : Add GPIO device module to watch dog list. // Arguments : // nModule [in] : GPIO device module. Enum of MODULE_GPIO_LIST_E. // nSwPort [in] : Enum of GPIO_CIO_PORT_E // bDIOBits [in] : DI/DO bits. (Output bit is 1; Input bit is 0) // nFilterDO [in] : Filter DO signal from GPIO module (default: TRUE) // Return : // TRUE : Success // FALSE : Failed //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- GPIOUTILITYDLL_API int GPIODLL_AddControlModuleToWatchList(int nModule, int nSwPort, BYTE bDIOBits, int nFilterDO = TRUE);
*Step4. If you want Send DO signal once. Use 1 byte to indicate the digital output pins to be triggered.
Digital output pin bit is 1; Digital input pin bit is 0.
(DO-0 is bit4, DO-1 is bit5, DO-3 is bit6 and DO-3 is bit7).
Ex: Send CIO DO-0、DO-1、DO-2、DO-3 DO signal. bDOVal = 0xF0 (1111 0000) => (OOOO xxxx).
Ex: Send CIO DO-0、DO-3 DO signal. bDOVal = 0x90 (1001 0000) => (OxxO xxxx).
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name : GPIODLL_SendDOValueToControlModule // Description : Send digital out value to GPIO device module // Arguments : // nModule [in] : GPIO device module. Enum of MODULE_GPIO_LIST_E. // nSwPort [in] : Enum of GPIO_CIO_PORT_E // bDOVal [in] : Digital out value // Return : // TRUE : Success // FALSE : Failed //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- GPIOUTILITYDLL_API int GPIODLL_SendDOValueToControlModule(int nModule, int nSwPort, BYTE bDOVal);
*Step5. If you want receive DI signal once. Use 1 byte to indicate the digital input pins status.
If digital input pin trigger, bit is 1; Else bit is 0. Digital output pin bit is always 1.
(DI-0 is bit0, DI-1 is bit1, DI-2 is bit2 and DI-3 is bit3).
Ex: Receive bDIVal = 0xFF. If DI/DO is 0xF0 (OOOO IIII), then DI-0、DI-1、DI-2、DI-3 are triggered.
Ex: Receive bDIVal = 0xF9. If DI/DO is 0xF0 (OOOO IIII), then DI-0、DI-3 are triggered.
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name : GPIODLL_GetDIValueFromControlModule // Description : Get digital in value from GPIO device module // Arguments : // nModule [in] : GPIO device module. Enum of MODULE_GPIO_LIST_E. // nSwPort [in] : Enum of GPIO_CIO_PORT_E // bDIVal [out] : Digital in value // Return : // TRUE : Success // FALSE : Failed //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- GPIOUTILITYDLL_API int GPIODLL_GetDIValueFromControlModule(int nModule, int nSwPort, BYTE &bDIVal);
*Step6. If you want enable WDT coutdown function and trigger shutdone after few seconds later.
You could update the trigger time by calling GPIODLL_StartWatchDogTimer() repeatedly.\n");
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name : GPIODLL_StartWatchDogTimer // Description : Start running watch dog timer in device module. // Arguments : // nModule [in] : GPIO device module. Enum of MODULE_GPIO_LIST_E. // nUnit [in] : Time unit (0: 1sec, 1: 60 sec) // nCount [in] : Watch dog timer range.(0~255) // Return : // TRUE : Success // FALSE : Failed //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- GPIOUTILITYDLL_API int GPIODLL_StartWatchDogTimer(int nModule, int nUnit, int nCount);
*Step7. If you want to know WDT countdown remaining seconds.
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name : GPIODLL_GetWatchDogCountdownSeconds // Description : Get watch dog timer countdown time in device module. // Arguments : // nModule [in] : GPIO device module. Enum of MODULE_GPIO_LIST_E. // nTimerSec [out] : Countdown time seconds.(0~255) // Return : // TRUE : Success // FALSE : Failed //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- GPIOUTILITYDLL_API int GPIODLL_GetWatchDogCountdownSeconds(int nModule, int& nTimerSec);
*Step8. If you want disable WDT coutdown function.
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name : GPIODLL_StopWatchDogTimer // Description : Stop watch dog timer in device module. // Arguments : // nModule [in] : GPIO device module. Enum of MODULE_GPIO_LIST_E. // Return : // TRUE : Success // FALSE : Failed //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- GPIOUTILITYDLL_API int GPIODLL_StopWatchDogTimer(int nModule);
*Final Step. Release GPIO resource before leaving your program.
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Name : GPIODLL_FreeControlModule // Description : Free DLL supported GPIO device module. // Arguments : // nModule [in] : GPIO device module. Enum of MODULE_GPIO_LIST_E. // Return : // TRUE : Success // FALSE : Failed //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GPIOUTILITYDLL_API int GPIODLL_FreeControlModule(int nModule);