Battery Develop Utility under Windows
From LEXWiKi
Contents |
Power Board Develop Utility can help you to develop tool to control LEX power board device.
Support power board module
The binary file you can download from
DLL files descreption
PWUtilityDll.dll: Contains code and data about PWUtilityDll function.
PWUtilityDll.h: Header about PWUtilityDll function.
PWUtilityDll.lib: Import library that link to PWUtilityDll.dll.
LexIo64.dll、LexIo64.sys: Based on WinIO that provids DLL to read hardware data. For x64.
How to use DLL
*Step1. Unzip DLL zip file and put files to your program.
*Step2. Initialize power board module resource.
PW_MODULE_E defined in PWUtilityDll.h
enum PW_MODULE_E { PW_MODULE_PW405 = 0, PW_MODULE_PW407, PW_MODULE_PW601, PW_MODULE_NUM, //Used to record the number of modules };
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Name : PW_InstallPwModule // Description : Initial PW module resource // Arguments : // nModule [in] : PW module. Enum of PW_MODULE_E. // Return : // TRUE : Success // FALSE : Failed //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PWUTILITYDLL_API int PW_InstallPwModule(int nModule);
Example :
if( PW_InstallPwModule(PW_MODULE_PW407) == TRUE ) TRACE(_T("Initial module resource succeed. \n")); else TRACE(_T("Initial module resource failed! \n"));
*Step3. If power board module initialize succeed, you could call PW_CheckPWModuleExist() to check device is still exist or not.
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Name : PW_CheckPWModuleExist // Description : Check specific PW module exist or not. // Arguments : // nModule [in] : PW module. Enum of PW_MODULE_E. // Return : // TRUE : PW module exist // FALSE : PW module does not exist //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PWUTILITYDLL_API int PW_CheckPWModuleExist(int nModule);
Example :
if( PW_CheckPwModuleExist(PW_MODULE_PW407) == TRUE ) TRACE(_T("Specific PW module device exist. \n")); else TRACE(_T("Specific PW module device do not exist \n"));
*Step4. If power board module initialize succeed, you could call PW_GetBatteryAllInfo() to get based battery information at the power board.
BT_CHARGE_STATUS_E defined in PWUtilityDll.h
BATTERY_INFO_ST structure content please refer to PWUtilityDll DLL Function Guide
typedef struct _BATTERY_INFO_ST { int nBtExist; //Battery is connected or not TCHAR tcBatteryName[32]; //Power board module name int nPwModule; //Power board module, Enum of PW_MODULE_E int nChargeStatus; //Battery chare status, Enum of BT_CHARGE_STATUS_E LONGLONG llTimestampSec; //The system time point at which the information is obtained, (seconds since Jan 1, 1970). float fTemperature; //Battery temperature, (Unit: Kelvin) float fCurrent; //Battery current (Unit: ) float fVoltage; //Battery voltage (Unit: mV) float fOutputVoltage; //Battery output voltage (Unit: mV) (PW601 Only) int nChargePercent; //Left capacity of battery (Unit: %) long lBtLeftMins; //Alive time of battery (Unit: Minute) long lWarnBits; int nCycleCount; //Battery cycle count int nIsShutdown; long lBatteryStatus; long lSafetyStatus; long lSafetyAlert; long lGaugingStatus; long lOperationStatus; long lPFStatus; long lPFAlert; } BATTERY_INFO_ST;
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Name : PW_GetBatteryAllInfo // Description : Get All of battery information // Arguments : // nModule [in] : PW module // pValStruct [out] : Battery information structure. (BATTERY_INFO_ST) // Return : // TRUE : Success // FALSE : Failed //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PWUTILITYDLL_API int PW_GetBatteryAllInfo(int nModule, void* pValStruct);
*Step5. If you want to get single piece of information.
*Step6. If you want enable WDT coutdown function and trigger shutdone after few seconds later.
You could update the trigger time by calling GPIODLL_StartWatchDogTimer() repeatedly.\n");
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name : GPIODLL_StartWatchDogTimer // Description : Start running watch dog timer in device module. // Arguments : // nModule [in] : GPIO device module. Enum of MODULE_GPIO_LIST_E. // nUnit [in] : Time unit (0: 1sec, 1: 60 sec) // nCount [in] : Watch dog timer range.(0~255) // Return : // TRUE : Success // FALSE : Failed //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- GPIOUTILITYDLL_API int GPIODLL_StartWatchDogTimer(int nModule, int nUnit, int nCount);
*Step7. If you want to know WDT countdown remaining seconds.
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name : GPIODLL_GetWatchDogCountdownSeconds // Description : Get watch dog timer countdown time in device module. // Arguments : // nModule [in] : GPIO device module. Enum of MODULE_GPIO_LIST_E. // nTimerSec [out] : Countdown time seconds.(0~255) // Return : // TRUE : Success // FALSE : Failed //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- GPIOUTILITYDLL_API int GPIODLL_GetWatchDogCountdownSeconds(int nModule, int& nTimerSec);
*Step8. If you want disable WDT coutdown function.
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name : GPIODLL_StopWatchDogTimer // Description : Stop watch dog timer in device module. // Arguments : // nModule [in] : GPIO device module. Enum of MODULE_GPIO_LIST_E. // Return : // TRUE : Success // FALSE : Failed //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- GPIOUTILITYDLL_API int GPIODLL_StopWatchDogTimer(int nModule);
*Final Step. Release GPIO resource before leaving your program.
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Name : GPIODLL_FreeControlModule // Description : Free DLL supported GPIO device module. // Arguments : // nModule [in] : GPIO device module. Enum of MODULE_GPIO_LIST_E. // Return : // TRUE : Success // FALSE : Failed //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GPIOUTILITYDLL_API int GPIODLL_FreeControlModule(int nModule);