LCM Module:LCM under Windows

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LCM Module Spec

LCM Module spec and command list :

<Google Drive>LCM-Spec


The Sample source code you can download from

<Google Drive>

Source file: LCD_CTLv15_w_Src

Binary file: LCD_CTLv15_w_Bin


Source file: LCD_CTLv15_w_Src

Binary file: LCD_CTLv15_w_Bin

How to Switch functions

Our LCM module can support TTL and RS232 type,Please make sure your serial port support type,
And switch LCM JUMP as below picture!!


TTL Function:

How to use the DEMO application


  1. COM Port selection
  2. Open COM Port
  3. Close COM Port
  4. UP line message
  5. LOW line message
  6. UP line message send to LCM device
  7. LOW line message send to LCM device
  8. Check LCM all pixel work

Sample code Introduction

Open COM Port Device

In Sample code /LCD_CTLDlg.cpp lin 157

  if(m_SerialPort.InitPort(this,nPort,9600,'N',8,1,EV_RXFLAG|EV_RXCHAR,512)) //Set LCM to 9600.n.8.1
  m_SerialPort.StartMonitoring(); //Open Com port monitoring
  m_bSerialPortOpened=TRUE; //Set COM port open 

Close COM Port Device

In Sample code /LCD_CTLDlg.cpp lin 171

  m_SerialPort.ClosePort(); //Set COM port close

Send the UP line message to LCM Device

In Sample code /LCD_CTLDlg.cpp lin 183

  if(!m_bSerialPortOpened) return; //check the com port was open
  char szSend[30] = {0x1b, 0x51, 0x41}; //0x1b , 0x51 ,0x41 for LCM send UPline command
  sprintf(szSend+3, "%s\r", m_Sendmsg);
  m_SerialPort.WriteToPort(szSend); //Write command and message to LCM device

Send the LOW line message to LCM Device

In Sample code /LCD_CTLDlg.cpp lin 215

  char szSend[30] = {0x1b, 0x51, 0x42}; //0x1b , 0x51 ,0x42 for LCM send LOWline command
  sprintf(szSend+3, "%s\r", m_Sendmsg2);
  m_SerialPort.WriteToPort(szSend); //Write command and message to LCM device

LCM Command list

Please check the page6 in spec file ,you can download form <Google Drive> LCM-Spec / <FTP> LCM-Spec

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