BCM70012 Module
From LEXWiKi
The Sample code source you can download form
Source file:
<FTP> BCM70012_Demo_Src
Reference Document:
The procedure should do before build the source file :
1. download and install the <FTP> DXSDK 2. build the BaseClasses(both Debug and Release): the path : DXSDK\Samples\C++\DirectShow\BaseClasses 3. add the include file and library file in Tools -> Options -> Pprojects -> VC++ Directories: (Suppose DXSDK install in C:\) Include files : C:\DXSDK\Include C:\DXSDK\Samples\C++\DirectShow\BaseClasses C:\DXSDK\Samples\C++\Common\Include Library files : C:\DXSDK\Lib C:\DXSDK\Samples\C++\DirectShow\BaseClasses\Debug C:\DXSDK\Samples\C++\DirectShow\BaseClasses\Release 4. After build , should install the driver in the BCM70012_Demo_Bin.rar first. Adn then you can execute the AP which you build.
Binary file:
<FTP> BCM70012_Demo_Bin
How to use the DEMO application
1.Open the video file to play , the file will play automatically.
2.The button used to play the video.
3.The button used to pause the video.
4.The button used to stop the video.
5.Full screen.
6.To show the status of the video and you can pull the bar to change the video's play status.
7.Where the video play in.
8.You can input the words. The words can show on the video such as 11.
9.Choose the speed of the word run on the video , the speed will be chang after press the Set button(10).
10.Show the words.
Sample code Introduction
1.Functions List: SDK Initialize BCM_InitSDK Initializes the SDK BCM_SetViewPos Setting the video playing area BCM_SetNotifyWindow Setting the receive message window and code Load Video File and controls BCM_LoadFile Load video file BCM_Run Begin playing the video file BCM_Pause Pause play BCM_Stop Stop play BCM_SetFullScreen Playing the video with FullScreen or Quit fullscreen Slider bar: BCM_GetDuration Get the video length BCM_GetCurrentPosition Get the current playing position BCM_SetCurrentPosition Set the current play position Scroll Text: BCM_SetScrollText Set scroll text contain BCM_SetScrollTextSpeed Set scroll text speed BCM_SetScrollTextAlignment Formats the scroll text style BCM_SetScrollTextColor Set scroll text color BCM_SetScrollTextAlpha Set scroll text alpha BCM_SetScrollTextFont Set scroll text format BCM_SetScrollTextDir Set text scrolls direction BCM_InsertScrollText Insert scroll text item BCM_SetItemText Change the text of a list view item BCM_ClearScrollTextItem Clean all the scroll text BCM_GetScrollTextCount Retrieves the number of strings BCM_DisplayScrollText Start show scroll text BCM_DisableVMRBitmap Disable Mixbitmap Bitmap: BCM_LoadBitmap Load bitmap for display BCM_SetBitmapRect The area for bitmap displaying. BCM_SetBitmapAlpha Specifices the alpha blending value BCM_SetTransparent Set transparent color BCM_ShowBitmap Display the bitmap AudioControl: BCM_GetVolume Retrieves the volume(amplitude) of the audio signal. BCM_SetVolume Sets the volume (amplitude) of the audio signal. BCM_GetAudioBalance Retrieves the balance for the audio signal. BCM_SetAudioBalance Sets the balance of the audio signal.
Functions Reference: 2.Data Type: 2.1 The function return value Syntax: BCM_SUCCEEDED 0x0000 BCM_FAILED 0x8000 BCM_NODRIVER 0x8010 //Video format is not supported. BCM_UNSUPPORTED_VIDEO_FORMAT 0x8101 //Audio format is not supported. BCM_UNSUPPORTED_AUDIO_FORMAT 0x8102 //File format is not supported. BCM_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT 0x8104 BCM_NOINITIALIZE 0xff00 Description: The method returned code. 2.2 Whether use Hardware decorder Syntax: //Hardware Decorder BCM_HWDECODER 1 //Software Decorder BCM_SWDECODER 2 2.3 DirectShow EventHandle Syntax: //The video file is playing finished BCM_EC_COMPLETE 0x1 BCM_EC_USERABORT 0x2 BCM_EC_ERRORABORT 0x3 Description: Video’s status 2.4 ScrollText Directions: Syntax: BCM_ST_DIRECTION_LEFT 1 Form right to left. BCM_ST_DIRECTION_RIGHT 2 From left to right. BCM_ST_DIRECTION_UP 3 From down to up. BCM_ST_DIRECTION_DOWN 4 From up to down. //Sets text at the top of video screen BCM_ST_ALIGN_TOP 1 //Sets text at the center of video screen BCM_ST_ALIGN_CENTER 2 //Sets text at the bottom of video screen BCM_ST_ALIGN_BOTTOM 3 //Sets text at the left of video screen BCM_ST_ALIGN_LEFT 4 //Sets text at the right of video screen BCM_ST_ALIGN_RIGHT 5
3. Method 3.1 Initializes the DirectShow environment 3.1.1 BCM_InitSDK Syntax: INT BCM_InitSDK(); Parameters: None Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded. BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: This function initializes Com Environment. 3.1.2 BCM_SetViewPos Syntax: INT BCM_SetViewPos(HWND hWndMain,INT left,INT top,INT right,INT bottom) Parameters: hWndMain : The window which used to display the video playing. left,top,right,bottom : These parameters are for area which displays the video play. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: This function set the main window and the area for diaplay. 3.1.3 BCM_SetNotifyWindow Syntax: INT BCM_SetNotifyWindow(HWND hWnd,WPARAM msg,LPARAM lData) Parameters: hWnd : Handle to the window, or NULL to stop receiving event messages. msg : Window message to be passed as the notification. lData : Value to be passed as the lParam parameter for the msg message. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: This function set the window to receive event messages. 3.2 The playing control: 3.2.1 BCM_Run Syntax: INT BCM_Run() Parameters: None Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: This function runs all the filters in the filter graph. 3.2.2 BCM_Pause Syntax: INT BCM_Pause() Parameters: None Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: This function pauses all the filters in the filter graph. 3.2.3 BCM_Stop Syntax: INT BCM_Stop() Parameters: None Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: This function stops the video play. 3.2.4 BCM_LoadFile Syntax: INT BCM_LoadFile(DECODER_TYPE type,LPCSTR szFile) Parameters: type : Query whether the graph filter renderer in Hardware D ecorder. szFile : This should specify the absolute path to a file on disk or the URL of a file to download. Return Value BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NODRIVER_BCM : No Broadcom Video Decorder. BCM_UNSUPPORTVIDEOFORMAT : Unsupport video decorder . BCM_UNSUPPORTAUDIOFORMAT : Unsupport audio decorder. Description: This function loads the video file and queries whether the graph filter uses Hardware Decorder. This method initializates the interface.It is not designed to load multiple files,and calls to this method after the first call will fail. 3.2.5 BCM_SetFullScreen Syntax: INT BCM_SetFullScreen(BOOL inEnable); Parameters: inEnable : Set the playing with fullscreen if the inEnable is true,else with normal model. Return Value BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: This function queries whether the video renderer is in full-screen mode. 3.3 The SliderCtrl used 3.3.1 BCM_GetDuration Syntax: INT BCM_GetDuration(DOUBLE* outDuration) Paramerters: outDuration : Pointer to a variable that receives the duration, in units of the current time format. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: This function retrieves the duration of the stream at normal playback speed.Changing the playback rate does not affect the duration. 3.3.2 BCM_GetCurrentPosition Syntax: INT BCM_GetCurrentPosition(DOUBLE* outPosition); Parameters: outPosition : Pointer to a variable that receives the current position,in units of the current time format. Return Value BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: This function returns the current position that playback has reached. 3.3.3 BCM_SetCurrentPosition Syntax: INT BCM_SetCurrentPosition(DOUBLE inPosition); Parameters: inPosition : Offset of the play cursor,int bytes,from the beginning of the buffer. Return Value BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: This function sets the position of the play cursor,which is the point at which the next bytes of data is read from the buffer. 3.4 The Scroll Text function 3.4.1 BCM_SetScrollText Syntax: INT BCM_SetScrollText(LPCSTR sText); Parameters: sText : Receive the scroll text content. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: This function receives the scroll text content. 3.4.2 BCM_SetScrollTextSpeed Syntax: INT BCM_SetScrollTextSpeed(DOUBLE dbSlider); Parameters: dbSlider : The scroll text moves the percent of display’s width or height.If dbSlider is 0 ,the scrollText will display by the middle of the display’s area. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: This function sets the speed of the scroll text moving. 3.4.3 BCM_SetScrollTextAlpha Syntax: INT BCM_SetScrollTextAlpha(INT alpha); Paramerters: alpha : An alpha transparency value to be used on the entire source bitmap.The default oxff(255)assumes that your image is opaque,and that you want to use per-pixel alpha only. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: The function sets the scroll text value of transparency. 3.4.4 BCM_SetScrollTextFont Syntax: INT BCM_SetScrollTextFont(HFONT& font); Paramerters: font : The new font format to be selected by GDI. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: An application can select a font into memory device contexts only and into only one memory device context at a time. 3.4.5 BCM_SetScrollTextColor Syntax: INT BCM_SetScrollTextColor(COLORREF color); Paramerters: color : Specifies the color of text as an RGB color value. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: The system will use this text color when writting text to this device context and also when converting bitmaps between color and monochrome device contexts. 3.4.6 BCM_InsertScrollText Syntax: INT BCM_InsertScrollText(LPCSTR insertItem); Paramerters: insertItem : Add a new string to the scroll text list. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: Insert an item to scroll text. 3.4.7 BCM_GetScrollTextCount Syntax: INT BCM_GetScrollTextCount(); Paramerters: NULL; Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded. BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: Retrieves the numbers of the scroll text. 3.4.8 BCM_GetItemText Syntax: INT BCM_GetItemText(INT nItem,LPCSTR& lpszText); Paramerters: nItem : The index of the item whose text is to be retrieved. lpszText : Pointer to a string that is to receive the item text. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: Retrieves the text of a list view item. 3.4.9 BCM_SetItemText Syntax: INT BCM_SetItemText(INT nItem,LPCSTR lpszText) Paramerters: nItem : Index of the item whose text is to be set. lpszText : A string that contains the new item text. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: Changes the text of a list view item. 3.4.10 BCM_ClearScrollTextItem Syntax: INT BCM_ClearScrollTextItem(); Paramerters: NULL; Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: Clear all the scroll text. 3.4.11 BCM_SetScrollTextDir Syntax: INT BCM_SetScrollTextDir(UINT nFlags); Paramerters: nFlags : The direction of scroll text. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: The text scrolls direction. 3.4.12 BCM_DisplayScrollText Syntax: INT BCM_DisplayScrollText(); Paramerters: NULL; Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: Start display text scroll. 3.4.13 BCM_DisableVMRBitmap Syntax: INT BCM_DisableVMRBitmap(); Paramerters: NULL; Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: Disable text scroll . 3.4.14 BCM_SetScrollTextAlignment Syntax: INT BCM_SetScrollTextAlignment( UINT Vertical, UINT Horizontal ); Paramerters: Vertical : The align style in the vertical direction. Horizontal : The align style in the horizontal direction . Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: Formats the scroll text align style. 3.5 The bitmap 3.5.1 BCM_LoadBitmap Syntax: INT BCM_LoadBitmap(LPCSTR filePath); Paramerters: filePath: A string that contains the name of the bitmap resource. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED: Function succeeded BCM_FAILED: Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE: Lack necessary devices. Description: Loads the bitmap resource named by filePath. 3.5.2 BCM_SetBitmapRect Syntax: INT BCM_SetBitmapRect(INT left,INT top,INT width,INT height); Paramerters: left : Specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. top : Specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. width : Specifies the width of the destination rectangle and source bitmap. height : Specifies the height of the destination rectangle and source bitmap. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: The area for bitmap display. 3.5.3 BCM_SetBitmapAlpha Syntax: INT BCM_SetBitmapAlpha(); Paramerters: NULL; Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: Specifies the alpha blending value. 3.5.4 BCM_SetTransparent Syntax: INT BCM_SetTransparent(UINT color); Paramerters: color : The RGB color in the source bitmap to treat as transparent. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: Call this member function to transfer a bit-block of the color data, which corresponds to a rectangle of pixels from the specified source device context, into a destination device context. 3.5.5 BCM_ShowBitmap Syntax: INT BCM_ShowBitmap(); Paramerters: NULL; Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded BCM_FAILED : Function failed. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. Description: Display bitmap . 3.6 Audio control 3.6.1 BCM_GetVolume Syntax: INT BCM_GetVolume( LONG* plVolume ); Paramerters: plVolume : Returned value of the volume property (0 is slience, 100 is full). Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. BCM_UNSUPPORTAUDIOFORMAT : Unsupport audio decorder format(or No audio device or not install audio driver). Description: Retrieves the volume (amplitude) of the audio signal. 3.6.2 BCM_SetVolume Syntax: INT BCM_SetVolume(LONG lVolume); Paramerters: lVolume: Value to which to set the volume property( 0 is slience, 100 is full). Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED: Function succeeded. BCM_NOINITIALIZE: Lack necessary devices. BCM_UNSUPPORTAUDIOFORMAT: Unsupport audio decorder format(or No audio device or not install audio driver). Description: Sets the volume(amplitude) of the audio signal. 3.6.3 BCM_GetAudioBalance Syntax: INT BCM_GetAudioBalance(LONG* plBalance); Paramerters: plBalance: Returned value of the balance property.0 is a neutral balance ,-50 left channel is full and right is slience, 50 right is full and left is slience. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. BCM_UNSUPPORTAUDIOFORMAT : Unsupport audio decorder format(or No audio device or not install audio driver). Description: Retrieves the balance for the audio signal. 3.6.4 BCM_SetAudioBalance Syntax: INT BCM_SetAudioBalance(LONG inBalance) Paramerters: inBalance: Value to which to set the balance property. 0 is a neutral balance ,-50 right channel is full and left is slience, 50 right is full and left is slience. Return Value: BCM_SUCCEEDED : Function succeeded. BCM_NOINITIALIZE : Lack necessary devices. BCM_UNSUPPORTAUDIOFORMAT : Unsupport audio decorder format(or No audio device or not install audio driver). Description: Sets the balance of the audio signal.