IO Device:852DioNTDriver version

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Why to use NT driver version , not WinIO version

When using WinIO , only Administrator can read/write port.

But all of the user can read/write port when using the NT driver version.

Before using AP , please install the driver first.

The Sample code source you can download from

For Looping test


Source file: 852Dio_NTdriver_v1.0W_Src

Binary file: 852Dio_NTdriver_v1.0W_Bin

For Single pin test


Source file: 852Dio_single_NTdriver_Src

Binary file: 852Dio_single_NTdriver_Bin

How to install the NT driver

1. Double click the DriverInstaller.exe file in 852Dio_v1.0w_NTdriver_Bin folder.

2. After install the driver , OS will reboot automatically.

3. After reboot , you can check if the driver install success or not by following steps.


Open Device Manager,choose "show hidden devices"


If there are 852Dio in Non-Plug and Play Drivers , the driver is installed success.

How to use this Demo Application

For Looping test

1. Press the "Start" button to test DIO function

2. Press the "Enable" button to test WDT function

3. Press the "Disable" button when WDT enable to disable WDT


For Single pin test

1. Connected the DI and DO pin

2. Before you press the "Write" button, Check the box what you like to send high data first

3. Press the "Read" button to get data from DO

4. Press the "Enable" button to test WDT function

5. Press the "Disable" button when WDT enable to disable WDT


Code Introduction

Define Port Address

   #define WDT_ENABLE 0x600
   #define WDT_DISABLE 0x604
   #define DO 0x60C
   #define DI 0x608

Set DO

   DWORD dwOutput;  
   DWORD DoCheckLowBuffer[2] = { DO , 1 };
   DeviceIoControl( hDevice , WRITE_PORT , DoCheckLowBuffer , 
                    sizeof(DoCheckLowBuffer) , NULL , 0 , &dwOutput , NULL);  //write data 1 to DO port

Read DI/DO

   DWORD DiCheckLowOutBuffer; 
   DWORD DiCheckLowInBuffer[1] = { DI };
   DeviceIoControl( hDevice , READ_PORT , DiCheckLowInBuffer , sizeof(DiCheckLowInBuffer) , &DiCheckLowOutBuffer , 
                           sizeof(DiCheckLowOutBuffer) , &dwOutput , NULL);  //read DI data
   printf("%X\n" , DiCheckLowOutBuffer);

Enable WDT

   DWORD WdtEnableBuffer[2] = { WDT_ENABLE , 5 };   
   DeviceIoControl(hDevice, WRITE_PORT, WdtEnableBuffer , 
             sizeof(WdtEnableBuffer), NULL, 0, &dwOutput, NULL); //set 5 seconds to WDT enable port, system will reboot after 5 seconds

Disable WDT

   //set 1 sec to WDT disable port , the disable signal will break off WDT enable signle
   DWORD WdtDisableBuffer[2] = { WDT_DISABLE , 1 }; 
   DeviceIoControl(hDevice, WRITE_PORT, WdtDisableBuffer, sizeof(WdtDisableBuffer), NULL, 0, &dwOutput, NULL);
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