IO Device:F75113 LPC under Linux(32bit & 64bit)

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The Sample code source you can download from

Source file: F75113_linux_src.tar.gz

Binary file: F75113v2.0_linux_bin_x64.tar.gz

Static function library file: Fintek_GPIO&WDT&EEPROM&

We do the demo test with a test tool which DIx connect to DOx with Relay. 

How to use this Demo Application


1. Press the "Start" button to test CIO1 function

2. Press the "Start" button to test CIO2 function

3. Press the "Start" button to test CIO3 function

4. Press the "Start" button to test CIO4 function

5. WDT is not run because MB not have F75113 and WDT_RST-

F75113 GPIO Picture



GPIO Status Register Write

init_fintek_sio(eSIO_TYPE_F81866, 0 ,&sio_data)
ActiveSIO(sio_data.ic_port, sio_data.key);
CHECK_RET(_EnableGPIO(0x06 , eGPIO_Mode_Enable));
CHECK_RET(_SetGpioOutputEnableIdx( 0x06 , eGPIO_Direction_Out));
CHECK_RET(_SetGpioDriveEnable( 0x06 , eGPIO_Drive_Mode_OpenDrain));
CHECK_RET(_SetGpioOutputDataIdx( 0x06 , 1));

GPIO Status Register Read

init_fintek_sio(eSIO_TYPE_F81866, 0 ,&sio_data)
ActiveSIO(sio_data.ic_port, sio_data.key);
CHECK_RET(_EnableGPIO(0x06 , eGPIO_Mode_Enable));
CHECK_RET(_SetGpioOutputEnableIdx( 0x06 , eGPIO_Direction_In));
CHECK_RET(_GetGpioInputDataIdx( 0x06 , &data));

GPIO Comparison

 CHECK_RET(_GetGpioInputDataIdx (0x10,&BDIO_data));
 if((BDIO_data == 1) & (BDIO_startvalue_data == 0) )
    gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(checkbutton2), TRUE);
 CHECK_RET(_GetGpioInputDataIdx (0x11,&BDI1_data));
 if((BDI1_data == 1) & (BDI1_startvalue_data == 0) )
    gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(checkbutton4), TRUE);
 CHECK_RET(_GetGpioInputDataIdx (0x12,&BDI2_data));
 if((BDI2_data == 1) & (BDI2_startvalue_data == 0) )
    gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(checkbutton6), TRUE);
 CHECK_RET(_GetGpioInputDataIdx (0x13,&BDI3_data));
 if((BDI3_data == 1) & (BDI3_startvalue_data == 0) )
    gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(checkbutton8), TRUE);

F75113 driver delete

 on_window1_destory         (GtKObject    *object,
                           gpointer      user_data)
    sFintek_sio_data sio_data;
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