IO Device:F75113 SMbus under Linux(64bit)

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The Sample code source you can download from


Binary file(64 bit): F75113_SMBUSv1.0.2L_Bin

We do the demo test with a test tool which DIx connect to DOx with Relay.

libF75113 DLL


DLL file: libF75113

libF75113 DLL Sample Code


Source file: F75113_SAMPLE_CODE

Binay file: F75113_SAMPLE_BIN

MB Support List



edit table

How to use this Demo Application

Before you use this

please enter and read the Readme.txt enter command

after all you can open the program


1. Press the "Test" button to test CIO1 function

2. Press the "C2test" button to test CIO2 function

3. Press the "C3test" button to test CIO3 function

4. Press the "C4test" button to test CIO4 function

F75113 GPIO Picture


How to use libF75113

Using (3I640CW + CIO116B) to example how to using "libF75113" to develop your program.

Image:3I640CW_CIO116.jpg Image:CIO116_B.jpg Image:CIO116_B-1.jpg Image:CIO116_B-3.jpg


"libF75113" could helps developer quickly operate F75113 by SMBUS.
It include "libF75113.h","","SMBus.h","SMBus.c" and "YjlDef.h".

Attention: "SUDO" permissions must be used during execution. (Ex: sudo ./F75113_SAMPLE_CODE)

Steps to use libF75113

Step1. Unzip "" and puts all of files to your project

Link "" and include "libF75113.h".

Step2. Call 'SMBUS_Install()' to initial SMBUS resource

   /* Initial SMBUS resource */
   if(SMBus_Install() == FALSE)
       printf("Initial SMBUS failed!!! Quit console, Bye bye! \n");
       return false;

Step3: Call 'F75113_Init()' to initial F75113 device. It default to initial CIO1(4I4O), CIO2(4I4O), CIO3(4I4O) and CIO4(4I4O).

   /* Initial F75113 CIO1, CIO2, CIO3 and CIO4. Initial F75113 WDT */
   bInitOk = F75113_Init();
   if(bInitOk == false)
       printf("F75113 initial failed!!!!\n");
       printf("F75113 initial success.\n");

Step4: Call 'F75113_SetDigital_Low_Output() to use CIO1 and CIO2 DO pin send signal.

(Send Value: CIO1-DO1:0x01, CIO1-DO2:0x02, CIO1-DO3:0x04, CIO1-DO4:0x08)
(Send Value: CIO2-DO1:0x10, CIO2-DO2:0x20, CIO2-DO3:0x40, CIO2-DO4:0x80)

   /* Ex: Use ((CIO1-DO1(0x01) + CIO2-DO1(0x10) + CIO2-DO4(0x80)) send DO signal. */
   BYTE byteDoVal = 0x91;

Step5: 'F75113_GetDigital_Low_Input() to get CIO1 and CIO2 DI pin recieved signal.

(Get Value: CIO1-DI1:0x01, CIO1-DI2:0x02, CIO1-DI3:0x04, CIO1-DI4:0x08)
(Get Value: CIO2-DI1:0x10, CIO2-DI2:0x20, CIO2-DI3:0x40, CIO2-DI4:0x80)

   /* Get DI value from CIO1 and CIO2 */
   BYTE byteDoVal = F75113_GetDigital_Low_Input();

Step6: Call 'F75113_SetDigital_High_Output() to use CIO3 and CIO4 DO pin send signal.

(Send Value: CIO3-DO1:0x01, CIO3-DO2:0x02, CIO3-DO3:0x04, CIO3-DO4:0x08)
(Send Value: CIO4-DO1:0x10, CIO4-DO2:0x20, CIO4-DO3:0x40, CIO4-DO4:0x80)

   /* Ex: Use ((CIO3-DO1(0x01) + CIO4-DO1(0x10) + CIO4-DO4(0x80)) send DO signal. */
   BYTE byteDoVal = 0x91;

Step7: 'F75113_GetDigital_High_Input() to get CIO3 and CIO4 DI pin recieved signal.

(Get Value: CIO3-DI1:0x01, CIO3-DI2:0x02, CIO3-DI3:0x04, CIO3-DI4:0x08)
(Get Value: CIO4-DI1:0x10, CIO4-DI2:0x20, CIO4-DI3:0x40, CIO4-DI4:0x80)

   /* Get DI value from CIO3 and CIO4 */
   BYTE byteDoVal = F75113_GetDigital_High_Input();

Step8: Call 'F75113_SetWDT_Enable() to start WDT.

(Time seconds value: Seconds from 0 to 255)

   /* Ex: Set WDT enable after 10 seconds. */
   byteWdVal = 10;

Step9: Call 'F75113_SetWDT_Disable() to stop WDT.

   /* If WDT already start, stop it.*/

Final step: Call 'SMBUS_Uninstall()' to release SMBUS resource if program closed.

   /* Release SMBUS resource */
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