IO Device:IntelDIO

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Define Pin Address

   #define INTEL_WDTE	0x600
   #define INTEL_WDTD	0x604
   #define INTEL_DI	0x608
   #define INTEL_DO	0x60C

Initialize WinIO & Uninitializ WinIO



   DO: DIO_Write(BYTE dwDataVal)
           SetPortVal(INTEL_DO, dwDataVal, 1);
   DI: DIO_Read()
           DWORD dwPortVal;
           GetPortVal(INTEL_DI, &dwPortVal,1 );
           return (BYTE)(dwPortVal);

Enable/Disable WDT

   Enable : SetPortVal(INTEL_WDTE, m_CountDown, 1);    // m_CountDown is timer of WDT 
   Disable: GetPortVal(INTEL_WDTD,&dwPortVal,1);

The Sample code source you can download from

For Looping test

( This sample code using WinIO.dll )


Source file: 852_DIO_WDT_Src

Binary file: 852_DIO_WDT_Bin

For Single pin test


Source file: 852_DIO_WDT_Single_Src

Binary file: 852_DIO_WDT_Single_Bin

How to use this Demo Application

For Looping test

1. Press the "Start" button to test DIO function

2. Press the "Enable" button to test WDT function

3. Press the "Disable" button when WDT enable to disable WDT


For Single pin test

1. Connected the DI and DO pin

2. Before you press the "Write" button, Check the box what you like to send high data first

3. Press the "Read" button to get data from DO

4. Press the "Enable" button to test WDT function

5. Press the "Disable" button when WDT enable to disable WDT


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