IO Device:SMBus

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Write_Byte Mode

int SMBus::Write_Byte(WORD dwSlave, BYTE pCmd, BYTE pByte)
    this->SMBus_Clear();                                                 // Clear SMBus data first

    if (this->SMBus_Busy())                                              // Check SMBus busy or not, return busy if busy
        return SMBUS_BUSY;

    this->IO_Write(SMBHSTADD  , dwSlave & ~1 );                          // write address in first variable
    this->IO_Write(SMBHSTCMD  , pCmd );                                  // write command in second variable
    this->IO_Write(SMBHSTDAT0 , pByte );                                 // write data in third variable
    this->IO_Write(SMBHSTCNT  , SMBHSTCNT_START | SMBHSTCNT_BYTE);       // Sent start command to SMBus control register

    return (int)this->SMBus_Wait();                                      // return wait command when SMBus finish the job

Read_Byte Mode

int SMBus::Read_Byte(WORD dwSlave, BYTE pCmd, BYTE *pByte)
    this->SMBus_Clear();                                                 // Clear SMBus data first

    if (this->SMBus_Busy())                                              // Check SMBus busy or not, return busy if busy
        return SMBUS_BUSY;

    this->IO_Write(SMBHSTADD  , dwSlave | 1 );                           // write address in first variable
    this->IO_Write(SMBHSTCMD  , pCmd );                                  // write command in second variable
    this->IO_Write(SMBHSTCNT  , SMBHSTCNT_START | SMBHSTCNT_BYTE);       // Sent start command to SMBus control register

    int ret = this->SMBus_Wait();                                        // Check SMBus Status

    if (ret == SMBUS_OK)                                                 // If SMBus Stand by
        *pByte = (BYTE)this->IO_Read(SMBHSTDAT0) &0xFF;                  // Get SMBus host data value

    return ret;                                                          // reture SMBus status

Check Device (F75111)

BOOL SMBus::CheckDevice(WORD wDeviceAddress)
    int ret;

    this->SMBus_Clear();                                                  // Clear SMBus data first

    if (this->SMBus_Busy())                                               // Check SMBus busy or not, return busy if busy
        return SMBUS_BUSY;

    this->IO_Write(SMBHSTADD  , wDeviceAddress  & ~1 );                   // write address in first variable
    this->IO_Write(SMBHSTCNT  , SMBHSTCNT_START | SMBHSTCNT_SENDRECV);    // Sent start command to SMBus control register

    ret = this->SMBus_Wait();                                             // Check SMBus Status

    if (ret == SMBUS_OK)                                                  // Check device exist or not, if exist return ture else false
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;


void SMBus::SMBus_Clear()
    this->IO_Write(SMBHSTSTS ,0xFF);                                       // Clear SMBus status
    this->IO_Write(SMBHSTDAT0,0x0 );                                       // Clear SMBus data


int SMBus::SMBus_Wait()
    int    timeout = SMBUS_TIMEOUT;
    DWORD  dwValue;

    while (timeout--)
        Sleep(10);                                                         // I/O Delay
        dwValue = IO_Read(SMBHSTSTS) & 0x00FF;                             // Read Host Status Register
        if( dwValue & SMBHSTSTS_INTR )                                     // if status value equal SMBHSTSTS_INTR, return SMBus_OK 
            //printf("SMBus Action Complection! %x\n",dwValue);
            return SMBUS_OK;

        if( dwValue & SMBHSTSTS_FAILED )                                   // if status value equal SMBHSTSTS_FAILED, return SMBHSTSTS_FAILED
            printf("SMBus Action FAILED! %x\n",dwValue);
            return SMBHSTSTS_FAILED;

        if(dwValue & SMBHSTSTS_COLLISION)                                  // if status value equal SMBHSTSTS_COLLISION, return SMBHSTSTS_COLLISION
            printf("SMBus Action COLLISION! %x\n",dwValue);
            return SMBHSTSTS_COLLISION;

        if(dwValue & SMBHSTSTS_ERROR)                                      // if status value equal SMBHSTSTS_ERROR, return SMBHSTSTS_ERROR
            printf("SMBus Action ERROR! %x\n",dwValue);
            return SMBHSTSTS_ERROR;

    return SMBUS_BUSY;                                                     // else return busy


BOOL SMBus::SMBus_Busy()
    if( (this->IO_Read(SMBHSTSTS) & SMBHSTSTS_BUSY ) == 1 )                // Check SMBus status if equal SMBHSTSTS_BUSY
        return TRUE;                                                       // return true
        return FALSE;                                                      // else retrun false


void SMBus::IO_Write(WORD dwOffset, BYTE dwData)
    SetPortVal(this->m_MapIOAddress+dwOffset, dwData,1);                   // Set dwData value to assigned address


BYTE SMBus::IO_Read(WORD dwOffset)
    DWORD dwAddrVal;

    GetPortVal(this->m_MapIOAddress+dwOffset,&dwAddrVal,1);                // Get dwAddrVal value from assigned address
    return (BYTE)(dwAddrVal & 0x0FF);

Define SMBus IO address

    this->m_MapIOAddress = 0x500;			

Define SMBus pin in SMBus.h

#define    SMBHSTSTS            0x00    // SMBus Host  Status Register Offset
#define    SMBHSTSTS_BUSY       0x01    // SMBus Host -> 0000-0001 Busy		
#define    SMBHSTSTS_INTR       0x02    // SMBus Host -> 0000-0010 Interrupt / complection
#define    SMBHSTSTS_ERROR      0x04    // SMBus Host -> 0000-0100 Error
#define    SMBHSTSTS_COLLISION  0x08    // SMBus Host -> 0000-1000 Collistion
#define    SMBHSTSTS_FAILED     0x10    // SMBus Host -> 0001-0000 Failed
#define    SMBHSTCNT            0x02    // SMBus Host Contorl Register Offset
#define    SMBHSTCNT_KILL       0x02    // SMBus Host Contorl -> 0000 0010 Kill
#define    SMBHSTCNT_QUICK      0x00    // SMBus Host Contorl -> 0000 0000 quick (default)
#define    SMBHSTCNT_SENDRECV   0x04    // SMBus Host Contorl -> 0000 0100 Byte 
#define    SMBHSTCNT_BYTE       0x08    // SMBus Host Contorl -> 0000 1000 Byte Data
#define    SMBHSTCNT_WORD       0x0c    // SMBus Host Contorl -> 0000 1100 Word Data
#define    SMBHSTCNT_BLOCK      0x14    // SMBus Host Contorl -> 0001 0100 Block
#define    SMBHSTCNT_START      0x40    // SMBus Host Contorl -> 0100 0000 Start
#define    SMBHSTCMD            0x03    // SMBus Host Command    Register Offset
#define    SMBHSTADD            0x04    // SMBus Host Address    Register Offset
#define    SMBHSTDAT0           0x05    // SMBus Host Data0      Register Offset
#define    SMBHSTDAT1           0x06    // SMBus Host Data1      Register Offset
#define    SMBBLKDAT            0x07    // SMBus Host Block Data Register Offset
//      SMBus Bus Status Code
#define    SMBUS_OK             0x0     // SMBUS OK
#define    SMBUS_BUSY           0x1     // SMBUS BUSY
#define    SMBUS_INT            0x2     // SMBUS INTR
#define    SMBUS_ERROR          0x4     // SMBUS ERROR
#define    SMBUS_TIMEOUT        100
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