Key Pad Utility Windows
From LEXWiKi
Contents |
The Sample code source you can download from
Source file:Key_Pad_utility_Src_v1.1_x86Key_Pad_utility_Src_v1.1_x64
Binary file:Key_Pad_utility_Bin_v1.1_x86Key_Pad_utility_Bin_v1.1_x64
How to Use The Utility
- 1.config
- start set button or cecode
- 2.save
- save button
- 3.setbutton
- Settings button analog keyboard
- 4.recode
- open new window to recode
- 5.Enter
- the text you want to enter
- 6.finish
- Complete text input
Initial Internal F75111 port address (0x9c)
define GPIO1X, GPIO2X, GPIO3X to input or output and Enable WDT function pin
Set F75111 DI/DO ( sample code as below Get Input value/Set output value )
DI: InterDigitalInput()
PULSE mode
Sample to setting GP33, 32, 31, 30 output 1mS low pulse signal.
{ this->Write_Byte(F75111_INTERNAL_ADDR, GPIO3X_PULSE_CONTROL, 0x00); //This is setting low pulse output this->Write_Byte(F75111_INTERNAL_ADDR, GPIO3X_PULSE_WIDTH_CONTROL, 0x01); //This selects the pulse width to 1mS this->Write_Byte(F75111_INTERNAL_ADDR, GPIO3X_CONTROL_MODE, 0x0F); //This is setting the GP33, 32, 31, 30 to output function. this->Write_Byte(F75111_INTERNAL_ADDR, GPIO3X_Output_Data , 0x0F); //This is setting the GP33, 32, 31, 30 output data. }
Initial internal F75111
void CKey_Pad_utilityDlg::InitInternalF75111() { ::Write_Byte(F75111_INTERNAL_ADDR,GPIO1X_CONTROL_MODE ,0x00); //set GPIO1X to Input function ::Write_Byte(F75111_INTERNAL_ADDR,GPIO3X_CONTROL_MODE ,0x00); //set GPIO3X to Input function ::Write_Byte(F75111_INTERNAL_ADDR,GPIO2X_CONTROL_MODE ,0x00); //set GPIO2X to Input function }
Get Digital Input
BYTE F75111_GetDigital0 () { BYTE byteGPIO1X = 0; BYTE byteGPIO2X = 0; BYTE byteGPIO3X = 0; BYTE byteData = 0; ::SMBus_ReadByte(m_F75111.bAddress,GPIO1X_INPUT_DATA,&byteGPIO1X) ; ::SMBus_ReadByte(m_F75111.bAddress,GPIO2X_INPUT_DATA,&byteGPIO2X) ; ::SMBus_ReadByte(m_F75111.bAddress,GPIO3X_INPUT_DATA,&byteGPIO3X) ; byteGPIO1X = ~byteGPIO1X & 0xF0; byteGPIO3X = ~byteGPIO3X & 0x0F; byteGPIO2X = ~byteGPIO2X & 0xFF; byteData = ( byteGPIO1X & 0x10 )? byteData + 0x01 : byteData ; byteData = ( byteGPIO2X & 0x80 )? byteData + 0x02 : byteData ; byteData = ( byteGPIO1X & 0x80 )? byteData + 0x04 : byteData ; byteData = ( byteGPIO2X & 0x04 )? byteData + 0x08 : byteData ; byteData = ( byteGPIO1X & 0x40 )? byteData + 0x10 : byteData ; byteData = ( byteGPIO2X & 0x02 )? byteData + 0x20 : byteData ; byteData = ( byteGPIO3X & 0x01 )? byteData + 0x40 : byteData ; byteData = ( byteGPIO2X & 0x01 )? byteData + 0x80 : byteData ; return byteData; }
UINT RunGetKeyThread(LPVOID lParam) { char StrTemp[3][16]; int i,j,k,wParamtemp,lParamtemp; int StrSize=16,finish=0; CEdit *edittemp; CKey_Pad_utilityDlg *dlg=(CKey_Pad_utilityDlg *)lParam; start=1; switch (setbutton) { case 1: buttontemp = &button1; edittemp= &dlg->m_edit_recode1; break; case 2: buttontemp = &button2; edittemp= &dlg->m_edit_recode2; break; case 3: buttontemp = &button3; edittemp= &dlg->m_edit_recode3; break; case 4: buttontemp = &button4; edittemp= &dlg->m_edit_recode4; break; case 5: buttontemp = &button5; edittemp= &dlg->m_edit_recode5; break; case 6: buttontemp = &button6; edittemp= &dlg->m_edit_recode6; break; case 7: buttontemp = &button7; edittemp= &dlg->m_edit_recode7; break; case 8: buttontemp = &button8; edittemp= &dlg->m_edit_recode8; break; } while(start==1 ) { if(KeyDownFlag==1) { wParamtemp=msgtemp1->wParam,lParamtemp=msgtemp1->lParam; while(1) { for( i=1;i<156;i++) { for( j=1;j<156;j++) { for( k=1;k<156;k++) { if(i!=j && i!=k && j!=k ) { if( wParamtemp==i && cbuf[j]&0x80 && msgtemp1->wParam==k && (msgtemp1->message == WM_KEYDOWN || msgtemp1->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) ) { buttontemp->hotkey1.wParam = i; buttontemp->hotkey2.wParam = j; buttontemp->hotkey3.wParam = k; GetKeyNameText(MapVirtualKey(buttontemp->hotkey1.wParam,0) << 16,StrTemp[0],StrSize); GetKeyNameText(MapVirtualKey(buttontemp->hotkey2.wParam,0) << 16,StrTemp[1],StrSize); GetKeyNameText(MapVirtualKey(buttontemp->hotkey3.wParam,0) << 16,StrTemp[2],StrSize); strcat(StrTemp[0],"+"); strcat(StrTemp[0],StrTemp[1]); strcat(StrTemp[0],"+"); strcat(StrTemp[0],StrTemp[2]); edittemp->SetWindowTextA(StrTemp[0]); KeyDownFlag=0; start=0; memset(cbuf,0,sizeof(cbuf)); return TRUE; } if( (cbuf[i]&0x80)==0x80 && (msgtemp1->wParam==j) && (msgtemp1->message == WM_KEYUP || msgtemp1->message == WM_SYSKEYUP) ) { buttontemp->hotkey1.wParam = i; buttontemp->hotkey2.wParam = j; buttontemp->hotkey3.wParam = 0; GetKeyNameText(MapVirtualKey(buttontemp->hotkey1.wParam,0) << 16,StrTemp[0],StrSize); GetKeyNameText(MapVirtualKey(buttontemp->hotkey2.wParam,0) << 16,StrTemp[1],StrSize); strcat(StrTemp[0],"+"); strcat(StrTemp[0],StrTemp[1]); edittemp->SetWindowTextA(StrTemp[0]); KeyDownFlag=0; start=0; memset(cbuf,0,sizeof(cbuf)); return TRUE; } if( wParamtemp==msgtemp1->wParam && (msgtemp1->message == WM_KEYUP || msgtemp1->message == WM_SYSKEYUP) ) { buttontemp->hotkey1.wParam = msgtemp1->wParam ; buttontemp->hotkey2.wParam = 0; buttontemp->hotkey3.wParam = 0; int y=GetOEMCP(); int x=MapVirtualKey(buttontemp->hotkey1.wParam,0) ; GetKeyNameText(MapVirtualKey(buttontemp->hotkey1.wParam,0) << 16,StrTemp[0],StrSize); edittemp->SetWindowTextA(StrTemp[0]); KeyDownFlag=0; start=0; memset(cbuf,0,sizeof(cbuf)); return TRUE; } } } } } } } } return 0; }
UINT RunDIOThread(LPVOID lParam) { F75111_Init(); CKey_Pad_utilityDlg *dlg=(CKey_Pad_utilityDlg *)lParam; while(1) { char *temp=0; BYTE intputsignal=0; intputsignal=F75111_GetDigital0(); while(1) if(intputsignal!=F75111_GetDigital0()) break; switch(intputsignal) { case 0x01: { dlg->execute(button1); break; } case 0x02: { dlg->execute(button2); break; } case 0x04: { dlg->execute(button3); break; } case 0x08: { dlg->execute(button4); break; } case 0x10: { dlg->execute(button5); break; } case 0x20: { dlg->execute(button6); break; } case 0x40: { dlg->execute(button7); break; } case 0x80: { dlg->execute(button8); break; } } } return 0; }