LCM Module:LCM KeyPad under Linux

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The Sample code source you can download from

Source file:

<FTP> LCM_Keypad_SDK_v1.0L_Src

About source code.

1.We suggest using Code::Blocks as an IDE in Linux.

2.Or you can just use "make" to compile the source code in the LCMctlv22LSrc/ folder or LCMctlv22LSrc/src/ folder.
  And you can excute "lcmctlv22l" file in the LCMctlv22LSrc/src/ folder
 $cd LCM_Keypad_SDK_v1.0L_src
 $cd src

Binary file:

<FTP> lcm_keypad_sdk_v1.0L_Bin

KeyPad Define


key    recrived value
key1       50
key2       52
key3       53
key4       55
key5       65
key6       67

How to use the DEMO application


  1. COM Port selection
  2. Setting the text which you want to print to LCM from key1~key6
  3. Setting that print the text to upline or lowline by check the checkbox
  4. After setting , click OK
  5. Press the key on the keypad , the text you set will print to LCM

Sample code Introduction

flow chart


Set for /dev/tty

char *get_ptty(pportinfo_t pportinfo)
	char *ptty;

		case '0':{
			ptty = TTY_DEV"0";
		case '1':{
			ptty = TTY_DEV"1";
		case '2':{
			ptty = TTY_DEV"2";
		case '3':{
			ptty = TTY_DEV"3";
		case '4':{
			ptty = TTY_DEV"4";
		case '5':{
			ptty = TTY_DEV"5";

Setup COM

int PortSet(int fdcom, const pportinfo_t pportinfo)
	struct termios termios_old, termios_new;
	int 	tmp;
	char	databit, stopbit, parity, fctl;

	bzero(&termios_old, sizeof(termios_old));
	bzero(&termios_new, sizeof(termios_new));
	tcgetattr(fdcom, &termios_old);	 //get the serial port attributions
	cfsetispeed(&termios_new, baudrate);
	cfsetospeed(&termios_new, baudrate);
	termios_new.c_cflag |= CLOCAL;
	termios_new.c_cflag |= CREAD;
	termios_new.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;
	termios_new.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE;
	termios_new.c_cflag |= CS8;
	termios_new.c_cflag &= ~PARENB;
	termios_new.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB;	//1 stop bits
	termios_new.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;
	termios_new.c_cc[VMIN]  = 1;
	termios_new.c_cc[VTIME] = 1;

	tcflush(fdcom, TCIFLUSH);
	tmp = tcsetattr(fdcom, TCSANOW, &termios_new); 

Open serial port

int PortOpen(pportinfo_t pportinfo)
	int fdcom;
	char *ptty;

	ptty = get_ptty(pportinfo);
	fdcom = open(ptty, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK);

	return (fdcom);

Close serial port

void PortClose(int fdcom)

send data

int PortSend(int fdcom, char *data, int datalen)
	int len = 0;

	len = write(fdcom, data, datalen);
	if(len == datalen){
		return (len);
		tcflush(fdcom, TCOFLUSH);
		return -1;

receive data

int PortRecv(int fdcom, char *data, int datalen)
	int readlen, fs_sel = 0;
	fd_set	fs_read;
	struct timeval tv_timeout;

	FD_SET(fdcom, &fs_read);
	tv_timeout.tv_sec = TIMEOUT_SEC(datalen, baudrate);
	tv_timeout.tv_usec = TIMEOUT_USEC;

	fs_sel = select(fdcom+1, &fs_read, NULL, NULL, &tv_timeout);
		readlen = read(fdcom, data, datalen);
	return (readlen);

Set COM Port Device(COM1~COM6)

portinfo_t portinfo ={ '0' , '0' };
portinfo_t portinfo ={ '0' , '1' };
portinfo_t portinfo ={ '0' , '2' };
portinfo_t portinfo ={ '0' , '3' };
portinfo_t portinfo ={ '0' , '4' };
portinfo_t portinfo ={ '0' , '5' };
//Default tty:COM2

Use thread to receive the value of key

 	if( counter == 1 )
		g_thread_create(signal_thread, NULL, TRUE, NULL);


receive the data from keypad in thread

		PortRecv(fdcom, RecvBuf, 10);  //the received data:RevBuf[0]
		if ( RecvBuf[0] == 50)         //received data:key 1
		if ( RecvBuf[0] == 52)         //received data:key 2
		if ( RecvBuf[0] == 53)         //received data:key 3
		if ( RecvBuf[0] == 55)         //received data:key 4
		if ( RecvBuf[0] == 65)         //received data:key 5
		if ( RecvBuf[0] == 67)         //received data:key 6
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