LCM Module:LCM KeyPad under Linux
From LEXWiKi
Contents |
The Sample code source you can download from
Source file:
<FTP> LCM_Keypad_SDK_v1.0L_Src
About source code. 1.We suggest using Code::Blocks as an IDE in Linux. 2.Or you can just use "make" to compile the source code in the LCMctlv22LSrc/ folder or LCMctlv22LSrc/src/ folder. And you can excute "lcmctlv22l" file in the LCMctlv22LSrc/src/ folder $cd LCM_Keypad_SDK_v1.0L_src $./configure $cd src $make $./lcm_keypad_sdk_v1.0L
Binary file:
<FTP> lcm_keypad_sdk_v1.0L_Bin
KeyPad Define
key recrived value --------------------- key1 50 key2 52 key3 53 key4 55 key5 65 key6 67
How to use the DEMO application
- COM Port selection
- Setting the text which you want to print to LCM from key1~key6
- Setting that print the text to upline or lowline by check the checkbox
- After setting , click OK
- Press the key on the keypad , the text you set will print to LCM
Sample code Introduction
flow chart
Set for /dev/tty
char *get_ptty(pportinfo_t pportinfo) { char *ptty; switch(pportinfo->tty){ case '0':{ ptty = TTY_DEV"0"; }break; case '1':{ ptty = TTY_DEV"1"; }break; case '2':{ ptty = TTY_DEV"2"; }break; case '3':{ ptty = TTY_DEV"3"; }break; case '4':{ ptty = TTY_DEV"4"; }break; case '5':{ ptty = TTY_DEV"5"; }break; } return(ptty); }
Setup COM
int PortSet(int fdcom, const pportinfo_t pportinfo) { struct termios termios_old, termios_new; int tmp; char databit, stopbit, parity, fctl; bzero(&termios_old, sizeof(termios_old)); bzero(&termios_new, sizeof(termios_new)); cfmakeraw(&termios_new); tcgetattr(fdcom, &termios_old); //get the serial port attributions cfsetispeed(&termios_new, baudrate); cfsetospeed(&termios_new, baudrate); termios_new.c_cflag |= CLOCAL; termios_new.c_cflag |= CREAD; termios_new.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; termios_new.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; termios_new.c_cflag |= CS8; termios_new.c_cflag &= ~PARENB; termios_new.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; //1 stop bits termios_new.c_oflag &= ~OPOST; termios_new.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; termios_new.c_cc[VTIME] = 1; tcflush(fdcom, TCIFLUSH); tmp = tcsetattr(fdcom, TCSANOW, &termios_new); return(tmp); }
Open serial port
int PortOpen(pportinfo_t pportinfo) { int fdcom; char *ptty; ptty = get_ptty(pportinfo); fdcom = open(ptty, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK); return (fdcom); }
Close serial port
void PortClose(int fdcom) { close(fdcom); }
send data
int PortSend(int fdcom, char *data, int datalen) { int len = 0; len = write(fdcom, data, datalen); if(len == datalen){ return (len); } else{ tcflush(fdcom, TCOFLUSH); return -1; } }
receive data
int PortRecv(int fdcom, char *data, int datalen) { int readlen, fs_sel = 0; fd_set fs_read; struct timeval tv_timeout; FD_ZERO(&fs_read); FD_SET(fdcom, &fs_read); tv_timeout.tv_sec = TIMEOUT_SEC(datalen, baudrate); tv_timeout.tv_usec = TIMEOUT_USEC; fs_sel = select(fdcom+1, &fs_read, NULL, NULL, &tv_timeout); if(fs_sel){ readlen = read(fdcom, data, datalen); return(readlen); } else{ return(-1); } return (readlen); }
Set COM Port Device(COM1~COM6)
portinfo_t portinfo ={ '0' , '0' }; portinfo_t portinfo ={ '0' , '1' }; portinfo_t portinfo ={ '0' , '2' }; portinfo_t portinfo ={ '0' , '3' }; portinfo_t portinfo ={ '0' , '4' }; portinfo_t portinfo ={ '0' , '5' }; //Default tty:COM2
Use thread to receive the value of key
if( counter == 1 ) { g_thread_create(signal_thread, NULL, TRUE, NULL); } counter++;
receive the data from keypad in thread
for(;;) { PortRecv(fdcom, RecvBuf, 10); //the received data:RevBuf[0] if ( RecvBuf[0] == 50) //received data:key 1 { } if ( RecvBuf[0] == 52) //received data:key 2 { } if ( RecvBuf[0] == 53) //received data:key 3 { } if ( RecvBuf[0] == 55) //received data:key 4 { } if ( RecvBuf[0] == 65) //received data:key 5 { } if ( RecvBuf[0] == 67) //received data:key 6 { }