Touch Panel:PenMount 6000 & 9000/PenMount RS-232 & USB
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FAQ of Touch function
ubuntu 8.10 touch driver With VIA Chipset
Ans: |
CX700 ubuntu 8.10 vga driver set RandR to false by default, but touch driver will detect RandR automatically. if using those driver together, X window will crash. to solve this problem, we asked touch vendor to modified driver to disable RandR detected. |
Patch File: |
<Google Drive> PenMount_Ubuntu_8.10_Driver |
Defect: |
N/A |
Asker: |
Robert 2009/04/09 |
Provider: |
Denny 2009/04/14 |
Touch Panel Driver 該如何去區別, 使用?
Ans: |
Touch Panel Driver 可以從 1. OS 2. Chipset 來做判斷
視乎其 Xorg 版本, 由於 Touch panel 由本質上來看可以當作是一個滑鼠, 所以對 Kernel version 來說,沒有太多關係.但是原廠(PenMount)為了 end-user 可能不是每個人都那麼了解 xorg 所以出了各個distribution的Driver像是 Fedora 2,3,4,5 之類的, 但其實他們之間的 xorg 版本都沒什麼差異 Chipset 目前我們所使用的 chipset 分為兩種: 1. dmc9000(RS232) 2. dmc6000(USB) 如何使用這兩種不一樣的driver只有差別在 xorg 中的設定 1. dmc9000(RS232): Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0" #ttys0=COM1,ttys1=COM2 <= 藉由 rs232去控制 2. dmc6000(USB): Option "Device" "/dev/input/event0" <= 將 usb 視為 event Driver Supported: 1.dmc9000: Redhat9, Fedora Core3, 4, 5 2.dmc6000: Fedora Core 4, 5, 6 Xorg6.8
無論是 4.2 或是 5.0 都是把 driver 透過 CEC Editor 把driver 載到 Platform Builder 裡面再加到所要編譯的 image 就可以使用了 ( 須注意一點, WinCE 中 COM1 預設是 WincCE 用來做 Debug 的埠口, 所以要從 COM2 算起 ) Driver Supported: 1.dmc9000: WinCE4.2, WinCE5.0 2.dmc6000: WinCE4.2, WinCE5.0 |
Patch File: |
N/A |
Defect: |
N/A |
Asker: |
Denny 05/03/07 |
Provider: |
Denny 05/03/07 |
Why can't poweroff when using touch panel ?
Ans: |
Touch panel needs 5V+ to turn on. 5V+ makes "power on by ring" estimate to "TRUE", so system will be restart . |
Patch File: |
N/A |
Defect: |
N/A |
Asker: |
Denny 10/12/06 |
Provider: |
Denny 10/12/06 |
How can I use Serial port COM5 and COM6 in Linux?
Ans: |
#vi /boot/grub/menu.lst Add "8250.nr_uarts=6" in the kernel line as below picture:
#reboot And then you can use 6 COM ports. |
Patch File: |
N/A |
Defect: |
N/A |
Asker: |
Patty 17:12, 6 March 2009 (CST) |
Provider: |
Patty 17:12, 6 March 2009 (CST) |
How to use touch with com 6 in ubuntu?
Ans: |
1. Add sixth com in menu.lst as "How can I use Serial port COM5 and COM6 in Linux?" 2. Because PenMount touch driver detect 4 com by default, so we modified the driver to support sixth com 3. after uncompress the driver, modify the script as follow in install.sh. sudo /usr/sbin/pm-setup -s 5 <== 5 means ttyS5, it will detect ttyS5 directly |
Patch File: |
<Google Drive> TouchSixthCOMDriver <FTP> TouchSixthCOMDriver |
Defect: |
N/A |
Asker: |
I-Ling 2009/06/02 |
Provider: |
Denny 2009/07/02 |
How to use touch in extension mode(one of the monitors has touch panel ,another one doesn't has)?
How can I use touch pannel in Ubuntu9.10?
Ans: |
1." Modify the BIOS settings 1.Enter to BIOS setting 2.If there isn't "xorg.conf" configure file in /etc/X11/ ,than we need make new one. 1.sudo service gdm stop //Stop gdm and will run in text mode. 2.sudo Xorg -configure //this command will create new configure file(name is "xorg.conf.new") 3.sudo mv ./xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf 4.sudo service gdm start //Start gdm again. 5.If finish above steps , you can find "xorg.conf" in /etc/X11/ 3.Download Driver and run ./install in Terminal |
Patch File: |
<Google Drive> Driver <FTP> Driver |
Defect: |
"N/A" |
Asker: |
"Steve 2010/02/10" |
Provider: |
"Steve 2010/02/10" |
Hou to install touch driver in Ubuntu 8.10
Ans: |
Note: It should be login as root before run below install processes $tar zxvf PenMount_Ubuntu8.10_Driver_USB.tar.gz 2.go into pmlinux $cd pmlinux-ubuntu8.10 3.install the driver $sudo ./install.sh 4.After install , you can calibration $sudo ./gCal 4 |
Patch File: |
N/A |
Defect: |
N/A |
Asker: |
Peter 2010/3/31 |
Provider: |
Patty 2010/4/1 |
How to install touch driver and use touch panel under WinCE 6.0
Ans: |
1.Download touch driver form below links.And copy PenMount folder to $(_WINCEROOT)\Public (default is C:\\WINCE600\PUBLIC) 1-1:copy PenMount folder to $(_WINCEROOT)\Public //default is "C:\\WINCE600\PUBLIC" 1-2:You will find "PenMount2 USB" component in Catalog Item Window 1-3:Select PenMount2 USB component. 2.Modify "DDRAWCLE.reg"(Location:BSP ->src->drivers->DDRAWCLE->Parameter files->DDRAWCLE.reg) Display Device = DWORD:3 // LCD and CRT output LCDPanelSizeIndex== DWORD:11 //1366*768 LcdOutputPort= DWORD:1// It need set to 1 for 3V700C(or using CX Series) DisplayModeNum=DWORD:62 //The resulation outputs for OS 3.Build Solution //Build your Wince project ![]() |
Patch File: |
<Google Drive> Download <FTP> Download |
Defect: |
N/A |
Asker: |
Steve 2010/06/11 |
Provider: |
Steve 2010/06/11 |
How to install touch driver on Debian 5.0?
Ans: |
Please follow th following steps to install:
$vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf 2.Add Device "Configured Video Device" in Section "Screen" Section "Screen" Identifier "Default Screen" Monitor "Configured Monitor" Device "Configured Video Device" EndSection
3. Add Section "ServerLayout" Section "ServerLayout" Identifier "Default Layout" Screen "Default Screen" EndSection
4.open touch driver folder on terminal $cd pmlinux-Debian5 5.install the driver $./install 6.Restart Debian $reboot 7.do calibration $gCal 4 |
Patch File: |
<Google Drive> Download <FTP>Download |
Defect: |
N/A |
Asker: |
I-Ling 2010/06/26 |
Provider: |
Patty 2010/06/30 |