DPC Module:DPC Console under Linux

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The Sample code source you can download form

Binary file: DPC_Console_v1.0.0.4L_Bin_x64

How to compile source code

  • Compile source code with Code::Blocks.
    1. Download and install the Code::Block with command "apt-get install codeblocks".
    2. Open an exist project(DPC_Console.cbp) in Code::Blocks, click the compile button.

  • Compile source code with "make"
    1. cd DPC_Console
    2. key in command "make".
   Before you make it, you need to install : "make" "make-guile" "pkg-config" "gcc" "gtk2.0"

How to use the DPC console application

  1. Install resource before execute application. ".\install.sh"
  2. Execute the application. ".\DPC_Console".
  3. Dump DPC information with command "-i".
  4. Print DPC help menu with command "-h".
  5. Set brightness from 10 to 100 with command "-d". Ex: Set brightness 50 with command "-d50".
  6. Select panel what you try to adjust with command "-t". Ex: Select 200 Hz with command "-t0".
    (0 = 200 Hz, 1 = 275 Hz, 2 = 380 Hz, 3 = 20 Hz, 4 = 25 Hz)
  7. Select range what you add / subtract brightness with command "-r". Ex: Select 10 Sz with command "-r4".
    (0 = 1 Sz, 1 = 2 Sz, 2 = 3 Sz, 3 = 5 Sz, 4 = 10 Sz)
  8. Step add / subtract brightness with keyboard : "Up arrow key" / "Down arrow key".
  9. Turn off screen backlight with command "-f". Duty cycle value will be modify to 0.
  10. Fixed hot key to turn on screen backlight with hot key "Ctrl + n". Duty cycle value will be modify to 50.
  11. Clear terminal screen with command "Clear".
  12. Quit DPC application with command "Exit".

If you have LEX light sensor module. How to use light sensor module


  1. Print light sensor help menu with command "-hl".
  2. Turn on/off light sensor to modify duty cycle value automaticaly. With command "-la". Ex: Turn off light sensor active with command "-la0".
    (0 = Off, 1 = On)
    Attention: If active light sensor module, GPIO module will be turned off.
  3. Select light sensor mode with command "-lm". Ex: Select ALS mode with command "-lm0".
    (0 = Measures ALS continuously, 1 = Measures IR continuously)
  4. Select light sensor range with command "-lr". Ex: Select range 1000 with command "-lr0".
    (0 = 1000, 1 = 4000, 2 = 16000, 3 = 64000)
  5. Turn on/off using custom bounding range with command "-lc". Ex: Turn on custom bounding range with command "-lc1".
    (0 = Use, 1 = Not use)
  6. Set a custom value for light sensor maximum range with command "-lmax". Ex: Set 100 for maximum range with command "-lmax9".
    (0 = 10, 1 = 20, 2 = 30, 3 = 40, 4 = 50, 5 = 60, 6 = 70, 7 = 80, 8 = 90, 9 = 100)
  7. Set a custom value for light sensor median range with command "-lmed". Ex: Set 50 for median range with command "-lmed4".
    (0 = 10, 1 = 20, 2 = 30, 3 = 40, 4 = 50, 5 = 60, 6 = 70, 7 = 80, 8 = 90, 9 = 100)
  8. Set a custom value for light sensor minimum range with command "-lmin". Ex: Set 10 for minimum range with command "-lmin0".
    (0 = 10, 1 = 20, 2 = 30, 3 = 40, 4 = 50, 5 = 60, 6 = 70, 7 = 80, 8 = 90, 9 = 100)

Sample code Introduction

Define SMBus register

 typedef unsigned char  BYTE;
 typedef unsigned short WORD;
 typedef unsigned int   DWORD;
 #define SMBHSTSTS     0x00	// SMBus Host Status        Register Offset
 #define SMBHSTCNT     0x02	// SMBus Host Contorl       Register Offset
 #define SMBHSTCMD     0x03	// SMBus Host Command 	    Register Offset
 #define SMBHSTADD     0x04	// SMBus Host Address	    Register Offset
 #define SMBHSTDAT0    0x05	// SMBus Host Data0         Register Offset
 #define SMBHSTCNT_START 0x40   // SMBus Host Contorl -> 0100 0000 Start
 #define SMBHSTCNT_BYTE  0x08   // SMBus Host Contorl -> 0000 1000 Byte Data
 #define DPC_ADD       0xb0
 #define PWMFeq        0x01
 #define PWMDuty       0x02


 void SMBusIoWrite(BYTE byteOffset, BYTE byteData)
     outb( byteData , (g_SMBusMapIoAddr + byteOffset) );


 BYTE SMBusIoRead(BYTE byteOffset)
     DWORD dwAddrVal;
     dwAddrVal = inb((g_SMBusMapIoAddr + byteOffset));
     return (BYTE)(dwAddrVal & 0x0FF);


 bool SMBus_WriteByte(BYTE byteSlave, BYTE pCmd, BYTE pByte)
     SMBusIoWrite(SMBHSTADD  , byteSlave & ~1 );
     SMBusIoWrite(SMBHSTCMD  , pCmd );
     SMBusIoWrite(SMBHSTDAT0 , pByte );
     return true;


 void SetDutyCycle(gint nDutyValue)
     SMBus_WriteByte( DPC_ADD, PWMDuty, (BYTE)nDutyValue );


 void SetFrequency(gint nFrequency)
     SMBus_WriteByte( DPC_ADD, PWMFeq, (BYTE)nFrequency );
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